Bahm Wiki

Average male and female kootje serratians.

Kootje (Serratian: KOOT-jah, "quiet one") serratians are the lesser species of serratian, smaller and weaker than their puntam cousins, with a smaller population as well. Racial tention between them and the puntam dates back to ancient times. While military conflict between the races has been historically both uncommon and catastrophic, abuse of the kootje such as enslavement and oppression by the puntam are common and enduring. The first genocide of monumental scale in history was perpetuated by puntam serratians against the kootje, though it was unsanctioned by the government, which intervened with ironically desegregated military force.


The two species are thought to have a common ancestor, which split into distinct species some time during the prehistory of Serratia. The kootje tend to have dark fur, possessing almost lemur- or raccoon-like features. Said fur usually ranges from black to dark brown to red, even (though very rare) orange. Regardless of the color, they are never without a dark, bushy tail. Unlike their puntam cousins, they have dark, curly hair, without claws.


The earliest known records of kootje congregation and society describe them as nomadic warrior people, known for their brutal ferocity and cunning. A majority of the more violent customs of the kootje people did not endure the first permanent settlement during the late neolithic period. While they enjoyed population growth and relative prosperity as farmers and sedentary ranchers, they parted with the mobility that offered them survivable advantage against puntam cities and other tribes of their own.

The defensive, secretive nature of the first kootje settlements earned the race its enduring name in the Serratian language.
